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pet poison prevention - East Springfield Veterinary Hospital

March is Pet Poison Prevention Month

If you have allergies, then you can begin to understand the danger of exposing yourself to even seemingly common substances. It pays to be vigilant and cautious. The same is true of your dog or cat; they can have severe reactions to substances you might not think twice about.

March is officially “Pet Poison Prevention Month.” We thought we’d use this month to advocate for your dog or cat by listing the most common (and surprising) household substances that can harm your furry friend.

What Can Poison Your Dog?

Dogs can have adverse reactions to many seemingly mundane substances found in and around your home. Here are some of the most common ones.

Over-the-Counter Pain Medication
Medications like Tylenol, Advil, and other OTC pain medications are highly poisonous to your dog. It’s best to keep them locked away.

Common People Foods
Things like avocados, alcohol, macadamia nuts, artificial sweeteners (like Xylitol), grapes, onions, peppers, and many other normal people foods are poisonous to dogs. It’s best to abstain from feeding your dog people food lest you give them something on this long list.

Chocolate deserves its own space because it’s so poisonous to dogs, yet so alluring to them. It’s also easy to leave chocolate out in plain sight for your dog to ingest when you’re not watching.

Flea & Tick Medication
Be sure to follow the instructions on your flea and tick meds; overdosing your dog is extremely easy to do, but can be dangerous.

Bleach & Antifreeze
Bleach and antifreeze are both surprisingly enticing to your dog and are extremely hazardous. Keep these substances out of reach.

Tulips & Daffodils
While they might be beautiful to look at, many flowers are poisonous to your dog, especially tulips and daffodils. If you keep flowers in your home, keep them out of reach.

What Can Poison Your Cat?

Cats can be affected by a variety of surprising household items. Here’s what you should look out for.

House Plants
So many common house plants are extremely poisonous to cats. Despite this, cats may feel the urge to chomp on your in-house greenery. Something as little as a single bite of a lily flower could even kill your cat. Considering cats are natural climbers, you might consider simply keeping these plants out of your home altogether.

Most household cleaners and detergents are poisonous to your cat. Consider using all-natural products or keeping a tight lid on your cleaning supplies.

Onions, Garlic, & Chives
The onion family, like onions, garlic, chives, leeks, and shallots, is extremely poisonous to both cats and dogs, even if you think it’s delicious. Make sure to keep these foods away from your pets.

Who would have thought? Grapes and raisins are poisonous to cats and dogs. While they might be a great treat for your little one, they’ll be nothing but trouble for your pets.

Flea & Tick Medication for Dogs
Flea and tick medication for dogs is precisely formulated. No, you can’t simply use less of the medication for your cat; doing so could cause severe neurological problems or even death. Stick to medication made strictly for cats, and follow the directions closely.

We hope these tips will help you in keeping your pet safe and free from poisonous foods, plants, and other substances. As always, feel free to contact us with any questions you might have on the subject, at 413-739-6389.